Multitasking - It’s one of the biggest mistakes most people overlook. We think that we can get more done by working on multiple tasks simultaneously. Theoretically, that really seems impressive and that’s the primary reason, we fall in for multitasking trap, but the fact is that it doesn’t work, at least not the way we like it to.

What’s wrong with Multitasking ?

We can not multi-task because that’s how our human brain works, at conscious level, what we actually do is - task switching and that’s really bad for your productivity. Task switching is very costly, it reduces your focus - your efficiency decreases, you make more mistakes, you need more time to do the same amount of work and the ultimate result => you’re feeling unproductive.

Side effects of multitasking

It badly affects your

  • Efficiency
  • Performance
  • Happiness

Now, you can derive a lot of negative side effects from the above implications. You probably understand how dangerous multitasking is.

So, if you’re a victim of multitasking then here is what you should do : just stop this multitasking madness. I bet you will notice an enormous increase in your productivity. If you focus, you achieve more with less (work, time), and that would make you productive and happy :)

Have a nice and productive day!